effective January 1, 2023 

$425 per hour plus

flat rate of $425 for prep time

Contact Christine to schedule a mediation


Mediation is a voluntary, non-binding process where a third-party neutral attempts to facilitate a settlement of a dispute without the need for further litigation. The United States District Court for the Western District of Pennsylvania requires parties to civil cases to go through some sort of alternative dispute resolution (ADR) process early in their cases. Most parties choose mediation because of the flexibility of the process and its relatively high level of success. 

Mediator Christine T. Elzer has represented hundreds of clients in mediations. From that experience, she has learned what types of skills a mediator should have, and what works and doesn't work in mediation. She brings that experience to the table both as a counselor to her clients in mediations, and also as a neutral mediator.  

Christine completed 40 hours of mediation training in 2015, and regularly attends continuing mediation training sessions. She served on the Board of Directors of the Mediation Council of Western Pennsylvania for six years, and acted as its Vice President and Information Officer. She is an approved mediator for the United States District Court for the Western District of Pennsylvania. She also is avaiable to mediate cases through Allegheny County's new mandatory mediation program. She provides pro bono mediation services for the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) and the Pittsburgh Commission on Human Relations (PghCHR); acts as a mediator and arbitrator for the Allegheny County Housing Court; and serves as an arbitrator for Allegheny County's arbitration program. 

In addition to providing mediation services, Christine also acts as a neutral in Early Neutral Evaluation (ENE). Recognizing that not every case is ready to settle, Christine assesses the strengths and weaknesses of parties' cases, and provides a realistic assessment of the risks of litigation. Christine has presented on Early Neutral Evaluation for Pennsylvania Bar Institute, the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Pennsylvania, and the Mediation Council of Western Pennsylvania.